Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Since the installation of George W. Bush to a inexplicable second term as President, filmmaker and activist Michael Moore has taken something of a drubbing, especially (and, again, inexplicably) from Democrats. This is shameful and wrong. This blog is simply a place where we can say, "Thanks, Mike. Some of have not forgotten."

Leave whatever comments you like -- just try to be polite. If you're not a fan of Mr. Moore's work, well, you've come to the wrong blog. If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all (or I will delete your post).

Thank you Mr. Moore for telling the truth and helping this country be a better place.
Thanks, Mr. Moore.

I've been a fan since I saw Roger and Me.

Keep up the good work.
Just a quick note conveying my appreciation for Michael Moore. You're one of the good guys. Don't let anyone lead you to think otherwise.
Thank you, Michael Moore.
Thank you for being a real American patriot.
Thank you for being a voice in the wilderness.
Thank you for telling the truth.

Thank you for never giving up, not surrendering.

Thanks to you, too, filkertom. This is a nice site.
Thanks Michael Moore Great Books and movie - Sometimes people won't listen to the truth or hear facts.

Saw you in London live - Not always totally agreeing with your point of view - but hey - thats true freedom.

Can't wait for the next to come from your pen or camera

thanks, michael moore.

and thanks filkertom, for the site!
You can always tell how close to the mark you are by how loud they squeal! If only 10% of the "real" journalists in this country had the balls Moore does...

Thanks, your one of the very few who gets it.
(the mass media is dead to me now, the election sealed the deal)
You have made Michigan proud! Don't give up please.
- Beth in MI
(Why are we in Iraq? No good godly reason at all!)
Dear Michael,

The democrats have called you an "extremist" but I like to think of you as a "normalist." Is it extreme to report a story that others fear to tread? When I think of your amazing work, I think of Sir Edmond Hillary who first reached the summit of Mt. Everest. It must have been exhilarating but at the same time, terrifying and lonely, seeing the world as if for the first time, by yourself, yet supported by a team. I support you Mr. Moore, you are my definition of an American patriot. Though it is your name you are putting on the line, please remember you are not alone and I along with many others, are behind you. Salud!
David Breithaupt, Gambier, Ohio
I was glad to see this site, it is certainly well deserved idolatry. Mr. Moore I have the most respect for your heralding attempts to kindly see Mr. Bush to his car. Unfortunately you failed...but then look on the bright side, now you can make millions on Farenheit 9/11 Part 2. Your continued efforts to protect our God-given rights to abortion and homosexual union should be commended by the Democratic Party. Those democrats that used you and threw you to the curb because Kerry couldn't beat Bush (wow...that is said that Kerry couldn't beat someone that speaks english as a second language) might as well be candy stealing, baby-hugging, homo-hating republicans. In other words, thank you Mr. Moore and keep up the good work. I hope one day to have a mansion just like yours in the United States of Canada. Thank you again.

Bryan Hoffman
Wayne State University
Detroit, MI
It seems that after the 'results' of the last two elections, the Democrats have decided that they must become more like the other guys. As the character of Joey Lucas in West Wing said (in reference to a poll that showed midwesterners against gun control), that didn't mean you should back off, it meant you should 'dial it up'; there were people that they hadn't educated yet. If only there were more people like Michael Moore to truly educate the American people to the sheer hypocrisy of our culture. Thank you, Michael Moore for having the guts to speak the truth!

Jo in Ohio
I took my three teenagers to see your movie, it scared the shit out of them. They could picture me as Lila, as they knew I would be just as mournful. Thank you, Michael Moore.

PS: I voted for your movie in the people's choice awards.

Michael Moore, thank you for making the crazily saddening politics of the United States bearable through your humour.
I'm a big fan. One of the biggest, since before Roger and Me.

Mike Moore is exactly the future of a progressive/democrat party: he's smart, funny, hip, irreverent, and working-class. Yeah, yeah; i know: he's made it. He's got his. But you notice that he's not trying to pull up the ladder. He spreads it around. He's spending it too. So let's make him the replacement icon for the fatuous Trump, or for the fascist Bill Gates, the cretinous sex-addict UncaTom Thomas, et al...
Mike's my man...
Thanks, Mr. Moore. Your films have made me laugh and cry - mostly cry for the state of the country - but thank you anyway for telling the uncomfortable truth.
Thanks Mike. Unlike many who claim the title for themselves, you are a patriot, and a true American.
Michael Moore rocks.

His next movie is going to open even more people's eyes to the truth about our neocon occupation goverment.

Thank you, Mike.
What Moore did not tell us...
by Mr Murder

Tue Oct 12th, 2004 at 17:23:34 PST

From DailyKos:
What Moore did not tell us...
Google John Ellis (no not John Ellis "JEB" Bush, the other John Ellis in the family tree,
who worked Fox news and called FLA for Bush...

First link of his venture capital firm search on google which the CSpan boss man gave out listed mellon(scaife) bank.

He's so right(Ellis) we are just being elitist to go after his cousin's failed policies.
G.H. Venture Partners, a venture capital firm... other links suggest a vital role in Homeland Security and Patriot act subcontractors but they are a pay-to-see basis...

Surely it is just another coincidence, like the year 2000...

Diaries :: Mr Murder's diary ::

How could we know a monolith-worshipping chimp would herald mars and beat his way to the top of the primate pack with a braying jawbone of an ass and smirk as the defining moment to date of space exploration's industry?

My eyes are wide shut to the symbolic irony... so much to look forward to only to be thrown back. Just a matter of social darwinism applied to the finer aspects of evolution's progress and man's attempted enlightenment.Technology takes back seats to social darwinism every time.

Here is the pipeline trail... that Moore mentions in his movie in the making circa 1996.
Mellon-Scaife was a formative backer of the diebold ES&S trails that helped insert Noriega... Hagel used the same methods here.Minus the diebold office thefts Republicans are in the 40% range for state governorships and Congressional positions. Hagel in, Cleland out.And the band played on...

Diebold was directly involved with the efforts to quell attempts at limiting money transfers the terrorists used because of their ATM market share.

And this company has a list of superpower globalists and names of note. The case in point this thread is its relation to the vote scam that enabled Bush and the money trail that is directly related to 9-11 and the PNAC stratagems. Well the Finance Council in the first of those three links ties these seemingly unrelated elements together directly.

You see Moore could have told us this in the movie but that additional personas would distract the leadership failure of the Chief Executive.


Robert E. Allgyer, Partner, Arthur Andersen. (Enron's account firm and the initial appointed attorney for John Walker Lyndh).Gillespie and Enron are directly linked to Andersen.
Merlin L. Alper, Vice President and Deputy Controller, Madison Square Garden. (Paying the support at the RNC).
Imperial oil,Amaco,petroseed,Texaco, telecomms(Access,Motorola,Sprint,AT&T).

Joseph L. Dwyer Jr., Deputy Director, General Services, and Controller, U. S. General Accounting Office.

Ellis name? Gerald R. Ellis, Director, Xerox Services, Xerox Corp. (There is a CIA firm for you...the best Iran business link would be IBM and IBM-Xerox would perhaps be an item to search there... Chalabi connections?) They are making the mideast theirs and as long as their people hate us it gets overlooked...and vice-versa ad infinitum.
Linda A. Frietsch, Manager, West Coast Operations, Cisco Systems Inc.(Another INTEL lobby)
H. Russell Justice, Vice President, Facilities and Services, Walt Disney Co. (Hannity-Limbaugh)
Charles A. Bowsher, Comptroller General of the United States.

L. Patrick Deering, Chairman of the Board, Riggs, Counselman, Michaels & Downes Inc.(There is the Riggs-bin laden link via the money trail)

DynCorp (contractors anyone?)
McDonald's, Kmart,Sony,many more to list and the reason the media is silent because top pressure demands it.
Donald Ercole, Tax Partner, Ernst & Young.

Lorne H. Parker, Manager of Risk Management, Bechtel Group Inc. (Cheneyburton link)
Robert J. Smith Jr., President, Madison Insurance Co. (Madison knows Bush bailouts...)
Gordon J. Feeney, Vice Chairman, Royal Bank of Canada. Russell Banks.

Clyde E. Dickey, Partner and Senior Advisor, Arthur Andersen & Co. SC.
Dr. Gail H. Marcus, Office of Nuclear Reactor, US Nuclear Regulatory Commission
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Anyone pursuing a civil suit on 9-11 ought to subpoenae this group...and each company member listed in full for full disclosure and transparency.

So you see why the media is vested in this for ad revenues and telecomm stocks, the military industrial vertical integration across borders for global PNAC efforts, and the clincher:

Thomas F. McBride, Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Ingersoll-Rand Co. (Ingersoll-rand, Condie Rand Rice! Their subcontractor firm in gemrany issues the paper trail and is run by an American).

The First Latin American Human Resources Conference was held in Buenos Aires in April. The theme was "How to Align Human Resources with Your Business Strategy," and the program attracted 150 participants. International speakers were led by Jac Fitz-enz of the Saratoga Institute; Cabot Jaffee, CEO of Electronic Selection Systems Corp.; and Kate Owen, [bold]British Petroleum's director of organizational development[/bold] and training.
South African Top Management Forum was keynoted by statesman [bold]Henry Kissinger[/bold] and Cyril Ramaphosa, secretary general of the African National Congress. The TMF, which was held in Johannesburg in October, attracted an audience of 113 senior executives, most of whom came from within South Africa.
Diebold is vested with the pipeline deal via this association, the media has too much fiscal interest to out this, Bush is doing the Kissinger/Perle PNAC bidding as told. The bin laden financiers are directly vested in the pipeline with Riggs Bank and directly linked to the Bush family's new world order.Diebold was probably the money transfer source for terror transfers.
The So Called Lousy Media is due an outing. They will not do it. Buddhists burned themselves in the street, Ghandi went on hunger strikes. It will take people doing things of such nature to demand action,civil disobedience. Thought King died so this would not happen again.

The guy wearing a black hood was ahead of the curve. We need to start a media campaign to interview him and see he is okay.

This is how much money you are up against. Moore didn't have time to tell this, giving voice to the people who have paid in human terms this miserable failure is what he featured, a story which tells itself for the most part and unites in shared tragedy.

The media is a cornered rat trying to discredit him , and republicans are shying away from Bush photo ops and head-on meetings with Dems on the talk show circle. Nothing left to do but let journalists interview one another about how brave they think each other is to tow the party line...
pravda plus commericals! the best of both worlds thanks to the new world order!

Moore just showed the dots, the SCLM refuses to connect.

* * *
John Ellis is a "journalist" on the latest CSpan discussions of this current Presidential campaign this week. The continued "balanced" spin of letting a Repub flat out lie while Dems have to wage equivolency contests is not something to stand for any longer.

Free speech is fine, but any media outlet misrepresenting facts should be held liable.

This was originally posted on/about the July 4th holdiay at dKos. My diary subscription erased it in my options window when trying to resume reading of it.

This copy was posted by 'dk' at the John Kerry forums and I have added new words after the * past the phrase that bears repeating, "Moore showed the dots, the SCLM refuses to connect."

The original links to the post in my first Kos post are now unavailable. GH Venture took its main link down, the Sacaife-link was tinyurled and not avaialable on copy/paste format, and finally another indy blogger had corraborating evidence referred to that simply helped solidify the argument already posted in the original comapny statement from GH Venture Partners.

Still the CEOs and companies named are a part of this, they have vested interests in the same fiscal pipeline money trail backers. Their interconnected efforts evidence that our media is truly bought and paid for as is most of our foreign policy.

Had to post anon, it's Mr.M to all you viewing guys and girls!
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